Taking travel as an element of inspiration, this Hotel of Love is the result of the profound transformation of each of the spaces to achieve a comfortable and exciting environment that allows the guest to be transported from the moment they cross the door.

Taking as a common thread to achieve a contemporary themed destination, a sample room was designed that captures the essence of an airport, having everything necessary in a space that, although small, is highly functional.

Tomando como hilo conductor lograr un destino temático contemporáneo, se diseñó una habitación muestra que captura la esencia de un aeropuerto, contando con todo lo necesario en un espacio que, aunque reducido, es altamente funcional.

A vibrant color palette provides the emotion that the atmosphere requires and is combined with neutral elements such as grays and woods that surround the environment. The result is a 17 sqm space – very fun and cozy – that offers “travelers” multiple areas within the same room, creating an intimate and multifunctional refuge ideal for a romantic getaway.

“This Hotel of Love is the result of the profound transformation of each of the spaces to achieve a comfortable and exciting”.

Project name: Hotel Turismo
Project design: Interior Designer Aurelio Vázquez
Category: Model room
Year: 2023
Area: 17 sq m
Location: Mexico City
Photography: Adrián Gómez

  • Interior Designer: DIN interiorismo

Posted by Aurelio Vazquez

For 29 years designing spaces and interior architecture has been DIN interiorismo specialty. They are located in Mexico City and their projects are distributed in the main states of the Mexican Republic and some countries in the world. All the projects they design are the result of the right combination between creativity, functionality, originality, innovation and quality. With the support of a large multidisciplinary team they shape aesthetic and functional spaces for life, work and business in which the personality and particular needs that each one require stand out. Interior designers, architects, designers, construction professionals, graphic design and all the disciplines that are necessary are continuously added to develop the best project for their clients. They develop projects in the following specialties: residential, commercial, corporate, hotels and services. For DIN interiorismo clients are unique and it is unquestionable to respect the personality, needs and goals of their spaces supporting the alternatives and solutions presented from an integral perspective.

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